Thursday, June 26, 2008

So that's how you really feel?

Today Paradox gave me a present at work. She walked back to my desk and then pointed at something behind me. "What's that?!" When I turned, she slipped a nicely wrapped package on my keyboard. Well, the wrapping was a tissue, and the bow was tied out of a thin piece of cardboard. She had attached a sticky note with this text: "Thanks for being such a great sister. This represents you." (or something to that effect) 

It took scissors to open the silly thing, for crying out loud! When I finally got in, I found one peanut butter cracker sandwich wrapped up in its package. Well, thank you, Paradox. I'm glad to know that you view me as the leftovers that no one wants. The girl sitting next to me said I shouldn't eat it because it had probably been on the floor.

At least my daddy loves me -- he thinks I'm best represented by a gemstone.


The Paradox said...

Nononononononono. You're not the leftovers that no one wants! You're just a good source of protein! :)

Julie said...

Maybe it was the packaging it referred to. You are hard to open sometimes, but we did get you to dance a little!... a very little.

Chicken Dust said...


I don't believe it ... I'm sure I NEVER danced even a little. :) Okay, maybe just a little. I bet you were all incredibly amused.

The Paradox said...

I just re-read this and I started laughing all over again...are you embarrassed to be connected to such a random individual?

Chicken Dust said...
